puzzle [installation*2022]
Puzzle, 2022, installation, fabric, safety pins, 250 x 300 cm / installation view from Occupation, Barın Han, 2022
Puzzle, 2022, installation, fabric, safety pins, 250 x 300 cm / installation view from Occupation, Barın Han, 2022
Puzzle, 2022, installation, fabric, safety pins, 250 x 300 cm / installation view from Occupation, Barın Han, 2022
Puzzle, 2022, installation, fabric, safety pins, 250 x 300 cm / installation view from Occupation, Barın Han, 2022
Puzzle, 2022, installation, fabric, safety pins, 250 x 300 cm / installation view from 8th Color: Woman and Trace, AKM, 2023
Puzzle, 2022, installation, fabric, safety pins, 250 x 300 cm / installation view from 8th Color: Woman and Trace, AKM, 2023
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